PMVC Individual Time Trials

Rotating through (5 different distances) throughout the summer, the PMVC Friday Night TT landed on 10 miles this particular night. 

Here is the (short) story by Oscar Swann:

Here are the results for the June 6, 2012 10m TT. A nice night, not too hot, a slight breeze. Andy Seitz majorly outdistanced people, but didn't come close to the record: 10 miles ; 20 laps ; 20.46 ; 28.9mph ; Joe Vallese ; 7/3/09. Thanks to Stephanie Swan for registration and timing. 

5th Place @22.13 - Steve Marlette

11th Place @23.46 - Mark Biercheck

17th Place @24.41 - Dan Schar

18th Place @25.14 - Ray Sielski (6th 50+)

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