Dashing the Dash

Mike Maher attended the Dash-for-Cash mountain bike race with his new "grasshopper" Bobby Irwin!

Below is the txt string report by Mike!

Mike: Had to outsprint Bobby for 4th. Experience and treachery beat youth and skill.....one last time......

Henry: NICE :)))))))))))

Henry: ...and it WON'T be the LAST time!

Mike: Pretty sure it was :)

Mike: Caught him with about 1/2 mile to go. Knew I'd get this last chance to beat him. Haha.

Henry: You woulda caught him earlier if it weren't for him SEEING your GLOW coming!

Mike: Haha. He caught me with about a mile and half left.

Henry: Ahhhhhhhh.

Henry: YOU came BACK?

Henry:  ....VERY nice!

Mike: Low slope climb and then flat.

Mike: Only terrain I can still beat the little bastard...!

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